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About ClientEarth | 30 April 2024

Funder Due Diligence Policy
About ClientEarth

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Funder Due Diligence Policy

ClientEarth is committed to meeting the highest standards of integrity and accountability. Legal and regulatory obligations require us to implement robust Funder Due Diligence (FDD) to ensure that (A) we have appropriate internal financial controls to account for all funds; (B) our funding is not from illegal sources, or imposes unlawful conditions; and (C) an adequate audit trail is kept. To best pursue and achieve our mission and strategy, we also must (D) maintain our independence and integrity when working with our Funders. While point A is addressed by relevant Finance policies, the Funder Due Diligence Policy addresses points B-D. It provides robust due diligence processes proportionate to the type and value of funding, and any identified risks. It enables us to take well-informed decisions and assigns clear responsibilities.