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Forests | 2 May 2016

Act – 1953 – Act for the Conservation of the Forests of the Republic of Liberia

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Act – 1953 – Act for the Conservation of the Forests of the Republic of Liberia

The 1953 Forests Act defines forests as all areas supporting woody vegetation other than planted or cultivated crops, regardless of the composition, age or density of the vegetation cover. It further encompasses as forest products the materials yielded by forests as follows: trees, which include seedlings, saplings, brushwood, palms and canes; timber, including trees fallen or cut down, stumps and wood  in any shape or form; charcoal, wild rubber, wood oil, resin and gums; leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and all other parts of trees not hereinbefore mentioned; plants, other than trees (including grass, vines, reeds and moss) growing in the forest which are not cultivated for agricultural purposes, and all parts and products of such plants.

The Act provides for the establishment of the Bureau of Forest Conservation within the Department of Agriculture and Commerce as well as the establishment of the Government Forests Reserves, the Native Authority Forests Reserves and National Parks.


In 1957, the Forests Act was amended by the Supplementary Act for the Conservation of the Forests of the Republic of Liberia. As a result, they shall be deemed the same Act. The Supplementary Act deals with permits, the use of property marks, revenues and receipts, concessions as well as wildlife resources.