
Dr. Jennifer Seyderhelm joined the Berlin office of ClientEarth in 2023 as an environmental lawyer. She specialises in water law on a national and international level. In addition she handles litigation against coal-fired power plants in Germany.


Prior to ClientEarth, Jennifer worked as a litigation lawyer in a national and a global law firm. As a volunteer, Jennifer has co-founded the Refugee Law Clinic Munich and worked in the legal team of GermanZero. She is involved with the initiative breaking.through as an editor.


Jennifer is a fully qualified German lawyer. She studied law in Munich and Helsinki and completed her second state examination at the Frankfurt Superior Court of Justice. She completed her PhD on a topic in White-collar and constitutional law. She is a trained mediator.

Law is one of the most effective levers for advancing a socio-ecological transformation. As lawyers, we can use the law strategically to protect the world we humans need to live.